Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Modern Lifestyle

I love this insightful excerpt from an article by author Will Schwalbe on the importance of books in the age of connectivity( Weekend Australian Magazine January 21-22 2017) :

" We need to read and be readers now more than ever. We overschedule our days and complain constantly about being too busy. We shop endlessly for stuff we don't need and then feel oppressed by the clutter that surrounds us. We rarely sleep well or enough. We compare our bodies to the artificial ones we see in magazines and our lives to the exaggerated ones we see on television. We watch cooking shows and then eat fast food. We worry ourselves sick and join gyms we don't visit. We keep up with hundreds of acquaintances but rarely see our best friends. We bombard ourselves with video clips and emails and instant messages. We even interrupt our interruptions".

Certainly food for thought!

Wise Words

January seems to be a time for quoting those wiser than we are - maybe it's all the resolutions flying around, or everyone making a little bit more of an effort to be kinder, more understanding, or just a better version of themselves.

We read (and hear) so many quotes which resonate with what we do at Brisbane Mediations, so we've rounded up a few of the favourites to share with you. Something to ponder over coffee this afternoon.

We handle all our cases with the upmost sensitivity, compassion and confidentiality.

Our Mediators can facilitate communication between you and your partner you probably never thought possible.

We do what we can to bring all parties to the mediation table.

You can rely on our Mediators to be totally neutral throughout the process.