Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Panellist Donna Cooper

One of the unique aspects of Brisbane Mediations is our ability to offer a panel of mediators with a wide range of experience and high level of competence.

One of our most experienced mediators is Donna Cooper who is well known as a Family Mediator and Trainer in Family Dispute Resolution.

Donna is a Nationally Accredited Mediator with previous experience as a Family Lawyer in private practice.

Donna currently teaches Family Dispute Resolution and Family Law in the QUT Law Faculty, publishing regularly in the Family Dispute Resolution area.

Donna is Co-author of the Family Law Text, A Harland et al, Family Law Principles ( Law Book Co; 2011 ) and regularly presents papers at Conferences in the Family Dispute area.

We are pleased to offer Donna's services as a highly respected member of the Brisbane Mediation's panel.

Please direct any enquiries to Brisbane Mediations at or to our website