Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Panellist--Pat Cavanagh

One of our panellists,Pat Cavanagh has been engaged by The University of Queensland to conduct seminars on Advanced Corporate and Commercial Negotiation and Mediation Strategies.

The courses are part of the Executive Education Program of the TC Beirne School of Law.

They are designed to expand the negotiation strategies and outcomes for commercial and corporate advisers.

Pat Cavanagh is one of Australia's Leading Commercial Negotiators and Mediators. He has facilitated the resolution of hundreds of commercial,property,tax,franchise,and partnership cases and has been instrumental in setting up and developing (ADR) organisations both in Australia and overseas.

We are pleased to offer Pat's services as a member of the Brisbane Mediation's  panel and are delighted that his competence and experience have been acknowledged in this manner by The University of Queensland.

Please direct any enquiries to Brisbane Mediations at or to our website

Flexibility of Mediation

One of the many advantages of mediation is it's flexibility. In fact it can be convened anywhere and anytime and without the inevitable delays of the court process.
Earlier this week, we conducted a mediation where one of the parties attended by phone from Victoria. The same process applied with each party participating in a one hour confidential intake followed by a four hour mediation with capacity to extend.
The intake,whether by phone or in person,helps in establishing the necessary rapport and trust which are often the basis for a successful outcome.
It is not uncommon at Brisbane Mediations for one or both parties to attend by phone or Skype. While this is usually essential in International matters, it also helps reduce costs where a party is interstate or some distance from Brisbane.
In fact there is no reason why Queensland mediators can't offer the phone option to attract work from other capitals or outlying centres.
Our capable staff will be happy to respond to any enquiries at For further information see our website