Monday, August 10, 2015

Could conversation ever die out ?

At a time when jobs and even relationships can be terminated by text message and emails are increasingly used to communicate in place of speaking, one could be excused for thinking that conversation may not only be diminished as a form of communication but possibly even die out.

On reading an interesting article contemplating the loss of the spoken word, I came across this prophetic little poem of British poet Louis MacNiece penned as far back as 1957. It is worth a read in our busy day when we are constantly reminded that our " calls may be monitored for training purposes."

                                                         To Posterity

When books have all seized up like the books in graveyards.
And reading and even speaking have been replaced
By other less difficult, media, we wonder if you
Will find in flowers and fruit the same colour and taste
They held for us for whom they were framed in words.
And will your grass be green, your sky be blue.
Or will your birds be always wingless birds?

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Panellist- Anna Faoagali

By providing a panel of mediators, Brisbane Mediations is able to offer a range of mediators with particular specialities.

One such mediator is Anna Faoagali who is particularly adept at assisting parties in conflict over commercial and workplace issues and is highly regarded in Workplace dispute resolution.

Anna undertook formal training at the Energy and Water Ombudsman (Victoria), where she worked for four years.

Anna's contracts for Complaint Management, Appeals and Dispute Resolution have included: The Energy and Water Ombudsman, Commonwealth Ombudsman,Anti-Discrimination Commission Queensland, Queensland Ombudsman, Relationship Centres and Interlock.

Anna has also been engaged by a number of Employee Assistance Programs to deliver Workplace Intakes, Mediations and Workshops.

Despite her penchant for Workplace dispute resolution, Anna is also a Registered Family Dispute Resolution Practitioner and able to issue S60I Certificates under The Family Law Act 1975 and has over ten years experience in Clinical Mediation and Facilitation.

Please address all enquiries to Brisbane Mediations at or to our website