The holidays are nearly over, and you've had a great time. You'll be glad to get home and back into your normal routine.
But the one thing standing between you and the place you call home is that long car journey. And for so many parents, that can mean only one thing - car sick kids.
Motion sickness can be common in children. It's basically caused when your inner ear tells your brain you are moving, but your eyes tell your brain you body is still. The problem can be worsened by things like reading books or tablets whilst travelling (bang goes YOUR plans to keep them occupied on the return trip home!)
So here are our tips for getting home in one piece this coming weekend:-
- Eat before you leave - and avoid heavy, greasy, fast food. It's an excuse to be healthy.
- Take frequent rest stops so everyone can get out of the car and walk around a bit.
- Encourage kids to look out the window - remember the car games we suggested at the beginning of the hols? "I spy" anyone.....?
- Fresh air can really help, so switch off the aircon and open the windows instead. The whole family can benefit from this one, not just the car sick ones.
- Why not use the time in the car to interact with one another, instead of everyone switching off and doing their own thing? Talk about what you enjoyed most about the holidays, or set some family goals for the next school term.
If all else fails, then medication may be the answer. But it's worth exploring the alternatives first.
Welcome home!